When designing a simulation, you'll often start at a high level of abstraction and then, during the creation process, zoom in and add more fine grained details to the world. For instance if you're building a simulation of a city, you might start by designing people agents to travel to an office building on the eighth time-step, and then return home eight time-steps later, under the assumption that each time-step is something like an hour. Should you decide to add more detail to a simulation - for example, agents eating breakfast at quarter past the hour - you could run into difficulty in moving all of the agents to the new, shorter timescale.
Expressing multiple timescales in a simulation is a difficult problem that exists across platforms and frameworks. Often you're forced to break your representation of time and just ignore the different timescales.
There are a couple of different ways you can solve this problem in HASH. Common approaches are:
We are also going to introduce in-built ways of handling a global timescale - enabling the duration or trigger points of behaviors to be specified in line with calendar-time schedules.
Discrete Event Simulations (DES) are event driven simulations. Agents take actions when a specific event occurs; otherwise they do nothing. In most cases DES models don't compute the time between events. The only part of a model that is simulated is during an event.
The important features of a DES simulation are:
When an event occurs, specific agents in a simulation need to take certain actions, and when they've completed those actions, pause until the next appropriate event.
The most common way to implement this in HASH is through a manager agent - it's how we've implemented the shared discrete event library you can import into your simulation. Alternatively you can roll your own manager agent to handle different timescales.
A ManagerAgent in this role - lets call it TimeManager - has a basic design:
.state.behaviors = ['time_handler.js']
In essence the time manager is specifying which agents run on any given time-step based on business logic. Here's an example simulation using a generic time manager.
A simple and straightforward approach is to "slow down" the simulation. In our example above, a time-step would now be 15 mins, and the agent would leave for work either on the first or second time-step, depending on whether they take a shower. They then leave work to return home on the 32nd time-step.
This has the advantage of being a straightforward, simple way of increasing the resolution of a simulation. The downside is it's inefficient - it's only in the first two steps of the simulation that we need the increased granularity. The additional 24 time-steps aren't really needed.
Timescale management is a particularly common issue for new HASH users because we utilize an actor model where there is "information lag" - a roundtrip message will take, at minimum, three time-steps.